domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

The subject of my presentation is.

The Maipo river

The Maipo river is a river located in the south of the metropolitan region, gives origin to the Maipo Valley and crosses the comunes of Buin, Santiago, Pirque, Puente Alto, Isla de Maipo, Talagante and Melipilla. Has as tributaries a lot of rivers, the main ones are: El Volcán, yeso, el colorado, clarillo and the Mapocho river.
The importance of this river is because this river is the main drainage basin of the metropolitan region, giving the 70% of drinking water to the region and 90% of irrigation water.
Also is important the Maipo Valley because is one of the natural attractions of the region.

I think it's important because it is within this region and is important to take care and protect, both for their contribution to our quality of life as by the natural beauty that depends on this river.

Mi presentation will be divided in 4 sections:

Starting with the general data of the river, for example the size and the tributary. After this I will appoint the principal tributaries of the river and then the attractions of the Maipo Valey and finally I will say the importance of the river and enunciate the problems related to this

PS: I think it necessary to appoint technical vocabulary, based on the text found in u-courses.
these words in my dictionary appear with other definition

Tributaries: afluentes
drainage basin: Cuenca hidrográfica
