
miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

The English class and university

Jejeje Well as I said before I do not like  English class, but  that's a personal issue, rather than the class itself I personally think the English class this year has been more entertaining than the last time I gave English.
I think we need more listening, I do not like the sound of English, but I can not understand well the different accents of English, and I think we did good few listening.
if you think I've improved my English is not so unworthy as before I understand what they say or at least the main idea, I think what has helped me more in my life is the blog, It has helped me a lot in my writing (I think), is fun, and out of the ordinary English classes. :)

In recent times it has helped me a lot to improve my English and my writing as I have been given to buy things in other countries and orders are in English, I also like to watch movies with subtitles because I like to hear the sound actual (though I do not like the language), in general I do not think so dependent on English but if you find it necessary.


jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

How Green are you?

From what I've noticed there is not much awareness of recycling and caring for the environment in general. I personally have had a very different experience.
I live in La Pintana  and although always highlight bad of the commune, I think the management of environmental management (pag. DIGA) is fantastic.

I remember when I was at school we had to recycling workshops, has learned to make paper, to separate waste, we were taught that we could do things with plastic, with car tires are made pots planters.

My community has the best environmental classification of the country and has had many years, here goes a truck that picks vegetables 3 times a week and with that make fertilizer for the squares of the commune, also used oil is collected in the chips, one joint 5 liters of used oil and they give you 2 liters of clean oil and make the oil run the truck plant, there is a passing truck once a month to collect electronic items and large furniture.

There is a grant to put solar panels for hot water and save gas, but still is being implemented.
 I think the rest of the people are not aware of this.
In my house it is to recycle almost everything, my older sister has a disability and can not work, my sister recycled cans, tin ashtrays ago, also make recycled wallets and purses, used cans, paper, gender, plastic bottles, etc..
my mom has a garden and makes compost organic waste, which leaves him plenty of vegetables for the truck, and when we have some things to clean point: D
I find entertaining recycle, and where I live is super easy.
A freak fact is that in the Pintana is responsible for delivering all inputs to maintain the green areas in the eastern area of Santiago (Las Condes, Vitacura, Lo Barnechea, Providencia, etc..) And all plants, composting and the process of produce is done in a clean and friendly to the planet.

Regards Lulú.

Link of interest.

environmental education:
is for anyone do not need to live in the commune

biodiesel :

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

The Perfect Song

Wow! for me there are many perfect songs, it all depends on what my mood, but as it is the kind of English I will speak of a song in English

A song I've heard all my life and I love it  FOREVER YOUNG.

Is a very old song, I like the sound, the background music and I find that is very harmonious with the voice,  not to mention that the lyrics are beautifulI like it because even though it is in English completely understood the letter and heard well, personally I listen to this song very relaxing.
The lyrics of the song is very cute the song speaks of wanting to live forever, yet this same question a little and I feel there may be a hidden social criticism
This is the chorus of the song
Forever young
i want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever?
forever, you'll never
forever Young,
I want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever?
forever Young.

I have fond memories of this song, listened to my older sisters when I was little, since then it sticks with the song until this dayrecently went funny song in the movie the three meters above the sky in a romantic scene and all over the world love the song, but the lyrics are nothing to do with the movie
but hey no one my age knew even that.
I hear this song at least every other day.
<3 regards

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Video Music

I love music in general listen to all kinds of music I have not a defined style .

I remember when I was a teenager and suddenly came MTV saw a video that I love , unable to remember the name of the song or the group did not know it was new , I remember watching MTV spent many days at the times I could until I returned to see the video .

Was I Write Sins Not Tragedies and the group was Panic! at the Disco , remember that I love with passion and folly of their music , their videos and their stagings in their presentations.

to this day I love that video , soon took another considered by me as a classic of the band was also the song but it's better if you do , and the staging is wonderful ! <3

from there I love when you leave a new album and of course when they release a new video .
The last video I draw the band is Girls / Girls / Boys , be true to the song I can not find the best we have , but the video has left several altered. hehe.



jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

# The strangest experience Ever!

when I was it the dance group, one day we went to presentation, in wich we had to dance pascuense. The event was the election of the miss change artist, we had no dressing rooms for us so we got in the dressing room of the participants,
was awesome to see everything I saw there in one hour and there was no man in that room were women and very beautiful. And I then I felt almost an ugly duckling.

was sitting there with my colleague (we were only 4 dancers and the men were out for respect), when suddenly I heard I love how you see your breasts with that, and was one of the candidates, he said if he lent my coconuts pascuense costume, and it had like 10 people watching me, so I said yes but I had to dance, and I danced before the presentation of typical costume so it was all good.

I remember he gave me lots of kisses and hugs, but no queen came, but far from being in that dressing room that day was the strangest experience of my life.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

# A Country I would like to visit ~

English class complicated questions lately…

If you ask me. What country I would like to visit? The answer is ALL WORLD.
Jijiji… I think that a country that catches my attention is France.

I find that a beautiful country, has a long history and a wonderful  landscape. I like the idiom is nice (not the ugly sounding English).

France is located in a at a point where they can travel to other countries. 

I think I would like to go to Paris, only to meet her and see if it is as beautiful and romantic as they say.  I go to the Louvre Museum and the eiffel tower, I have to go  the museum by victor hugo, my favorite writer, I would go to the palace of Versailles just outside Paris.

But the truth where I like to go is the province of Provence, that's where this set the movie “Beauty and the Beast”, <3.
Olso here are the French Alps and the French riviera 
I think it would be nice to be among the lavender fields, see the whole landscape with purple flowers,  and go and watch the river Verdon and gorges of Verdon.

when I can not go, but I think it would be wonderful.

a kiss


jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

MY Ideal Job

My Ideal Job.... complex question my tastes are very scattered to choosing an single ideal job

I think I would like to work in something related to Geography, but I have not clear on that, I like many branches of geography.

 So if I have clear that I have for my dream job, I do not want to be routine because I get bored very easily and do not want to work in a confined space, in an office, I'm drowning, suffocating me, I'm very hyper, I can not to sit one hour classes and I have to leave, because it can not stand it!

  So I think it will cost me to find a dream job, I worked in several parts, but for short periods, 1 or 2 months.

I think between a geography for this reason, in order to work outdoors, to not have a routine.

I think I have the ability to adapt to any work while I like.
