jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

MY Ideal Job

My Ideal Job.... complex question my tastes are very scattered to choosing an single ideal job

I think I would like to work in something related to Geography, but I have not clear on that, I like many branches of geography.

 So if I have clear that I have for my dream job, I do not want to be routine because I get bored very easily and do not want to work in a confined space, in an office, I'm drowning, suffocating me, I'm very hyper, I can not to sit one hour classes and I have to leave, because it can not stand it!

  So I think it will cost me to find a dream job, I worked in several parts, but for short periods, 1 or 2 months.

I think between a geography for this reason, in order to work outdoors, to not have a routine.

I think I have the ability to adapt to any work while I like.







jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

A little bit of my life

I’m Marilú Mansilla Polanco. I was born on november 15 in Santiago.

When I was 3 years old, I fell from a tree and broke my eyelid.
I liked peliar with everyone, bit them.
I have four sisters and I am the penultimate.

I was in a dance group up to 17 years, win three years in a row the interschool dance. I love to dance!
I love food, such as pig and when I have anxiety is worse.

Technical Study on Nursing in college, I did not like the area of health, I was drowned in the Hospital.

Geography Study really now if it kills me, I love, I draw much attention to the area and do not feel stifled good as before.

Two years ago I discovered the world of NAIL ART, and has given me easy, it's my favorite hobby. I collect nail polishes I have between 90 and 100 approximate

I'm part of the group of volunteers from the South American Games, Santiago 2014 organized by the ODESUR, and am part of the medical equipment. After the first training I did the following Nail Art inspired by the Games.

That's part of my life.

