jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

MY Ideal Job

My Ideal Job.... complex question my tastes are very scattered to choosing an single ideal job

I think I would like to work in something related to Geography, but I have not clear on that, I like many branches of geography.

 So if I have clear that I have for my dream job, I do not want to be routine because I get bored very easily and do not want to work in a confined space, in an office, I'm drowning, suffocating me, I'm very hyper, I can not to sit one hour classes and I have to leave, because it can not stand it!

  So I think it will cost me to find a dream job, I worked in several parts, but for short periods, 1 or 2 months.

I think between a geography for this reason, in order to work outdoors, to not have a routine.

I think I have the ability to adapt to any work while I like.







1 comentarios:

lucas dijo...

How about a routine where you have to do different things each day?



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