jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

# A Country I would like to visit ~

English class complicated questions lately…

If you ask me. What country I would like to visit? The answer is ALL WORLD.
Jijiji… I think that a country that catches my attention is France.

I find that a beautiful country, has a long history and a wonderful  landscape. I like the idiom is nice (not the ugly sounding English).

France is located in a at a point where they can travel to other countries. 

I think I would like to go to Paris, only to meet her and see if it is as beautiful and romantic as they say.  I go to the Louvre Museum and the eiffel tower, I have to go  the museum by victor hugo, my favorite writer, I would go to the palace of Versailles just outside Paris.

But the truth where I like to go is the province of Provence, that's where this set the movie “Beauty and the Beast”, <3.
Olso here are the French Alps and the French riviera 
I think it would be nice to be among the lavender fields, see the whole landscape with purple flowers,  and go and watch the river Verdon and gorges of Verdon.

when I can not go, but I think it would be wonderful.

a kiss


2 comentarios:

Anniita dijo...

France is a romantic country I think =) I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower :B

lucas dijo...

Oh, Lulú. I went to Paris in 2007 and I loved every minute of my trip.

My sister and I walked around parís for days. I still remember its streets, the smell of its restaurants...I cried the day I had to leave. I fell in love with the city.

I might go back to France son.


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