viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

"The importance of money in my life"

Money, money, money ... not think it is so important in my life, I have always had the right and necessary to live in peace, I think for me it is valuable when a person does things with effort, I do not intend to win large amounts of money, just like you need me to live.

All my life I've watched my dad build giant mansions, people full of money, but the homes are emptier than others, I think you do not need the gold bathroom fixtures as Farkas to be happy in life, not need much money, I think is not necessary so much greed.

With what I hope to achieve win study enough, if it does not for that, I am also a paramedic and how can I not get enough if I have two professions?.
I like geography Precisely two areas of the worst paid on the money. I think if I really cared about money ubiese studied nursing or medicine, had won a scholarship at the University of the Andes and have a future with a guaranteed salary, but here I am in Geography only because I love.

Well then answering the question if money is important in my life, I think if you have relevance, but not such great importance.
I'm happy with what I have, so life is simpler for now.


viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


vote or not vote.
That is the Question

Well with the issue of voluntary voting many question whether or not to vote. Well I personally I will  vote because it is a right, and if you do not use it then I have no moral claim, or demand anything.

Voting is the only mechanism to elect those who represent us and guide them where we live, our community, and so to put aside those candidates are nothing more than a pretty face, as is the candidate for mayor of my fair commune, Patricio Laguna that all he does is take pictures with people and say they will give land to relatives committee, is a good reflection of why you should go to vote, so as not to leave people elected.

we need a mayor who knows the true needs of the community, no one who lives more than an hour of it and believes that giving away  Shampoo will improve the quality of life. For my taste that is denigrating, so will vote this Sunday, to not allow my commune is handled by the political  party who is behind because the only lends his face.

I hope that in these votes all the young vote, aware that when they go after the streets to protest what we do with every right, and accordingly we demand as power exercised our right to elect or vote for another and say I do not vote for you.

I hope that Sunday's voting change and improve our commune



viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012


The dancing is the best of the my hobbies,  or at least it was until the end of the school.
I started at the age of 8 years in may school primary.
The class was the saturday in the school, the  dance teacher was the first dance of the BAFONA, when he was young.
In the class learn different techniques and different types of dances, my favorite are Afro Peru, the different dances  of the Tirana party, Saya, caporal sambo, pascuense also, that if only some dances, as aparimas and hoko. I not like the sau sau and the  cueca, as I feel I have lost the essence of the dance.
Dance is more than moving, is to feel the music and connect with the meaning of the dance personally I like dancing strong rhythms, feel the drum in Afro dance and movement born  of the stomach, hoko feel, the preparation for war pascuences,  understand the meaning of each movement, my body moves just listen to the music, gives me energy. Moreover when I go on the subway listening to my music afro or pascuence and feel the rhythm inside gives me energy for the day.
whenever  I can deal to go to  class with my dance group "With all our", if not just hearing the music I feel happy and lively,relaxes me and dexterity and makes me really well.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2012

School v/s University

in my life as a student, I have gone through drastic changes. Change school to college is one of them.

Study my primary school in the Pintana's public school, we did not have many recourses, the blackboard was with chalk, my supervising teacher gave all classes,   and we had not English class, for not have English teacher .
It was a nice school, many of their teachers were there for real vocation.

my secondary school is the colegio almendral,  known as the best school in my commune, and I think it is only common it has with the university, which is the BEST in the country.
At school he used Jumper below the knee with knee socks, the university does not require uniform,my class schedule in school  was from 8.00 to 17.45, but now I have different schedules with windows freely available, and there are one day I'm not going to the U.

I think the change is relatively difficult but in my school were not given tasks or work to home, only you had to study, as was Catholic and the class time  was so extensive,  that you have to enjoy family life, whereas now there are times overwhelms me so much work I have to do.

my primary school and at the university have so far been the best have so far been the best place to learn valuable things for life.

the almendral school rescue skills learned

bye bye


domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

The subject of my presentation is.

The Maipo river

The Maipo river is a river located in the south of the metropolitan region, gives origin to the Maipo Valley and crosses the comunes of Buin, Santiago, Pirque, Puente Alto, Isla de Maipo, Talagante and Melipilla. Has as tributaries a lot of rivers, the main ones are: El Volcán, yeso, el colorado, clarillo and the Mapocho river.
The importance of this river is because this river is the main drainage basin of the metropolitan region, giving the 70% of drinking water to the region and 90% of irrigation water.
Also is important the Maipo Valley because is one of the natural attractions of the region.

I think it's important because it is within this region and is important to take care and protect, both for their contribution to our quality of life as by the natural beauty that depends on this river.

Mi presentation will be divided in 4 sections:

Starting with the general data of the river, for example the size and the tributary. After this I will appoint the principal tributaries of the river and then the attractions of the Maipo Valey and finally I will say the importance of the river and enunciate the problems related to this

PS: I think it necessary to appoint technical vocabulary, based on the text found in u-courses.
these words in my dictionary appear with other definition

Tributaries: afluentes
drainage basin: Cuenca hidrográfica


lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Why I decided to Study Geography

Hello. I'm Marilú Mansilla Polanco. I'm student of geography at the university of Chile.I'm studying geography thanks to the twists of fate. Truth when I was in 4th grade, geography was my last option but really I dont remember if it was an option or not.I wanted to study anthropology or history but I didn't want to be a teacher because I didn't have the vocation, and with time anthropology didn't call my attention anymore.I went to vocation meetings in the university and I ask for every race that they have, until I reach to the "FAU" and I found it wonderful, I love the building and I started to talk with a "student of Geography" that I' never see again. Then I realized how beautiful and dynamic that is the race but is unknown to many people. I dare to say it is little appreciated, but at the same time is so useful and necessary, and has many different branches and you can devote to physical geography, economic geography, Human Geography, etc.. Is so dynamic and I love it! because it is not monotonous, it works both on land and in office work.During my first year I fall in love with the race although there are classes which cost more than others, especially the physical classes, and English.Yet I love what I study and I'm very very happy.Regards, I love them all.kisses

(My English is not good, so don't laugh if I'm very repetitive, these are the words I know an is my maximum effort)